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Martiria is an epic/doom metal rock band formed back in the '80s and re-founded (after a long pause) in 2002. Seven album published (last one R-Evolution, with ex Black Sabbath Vinny Appice - 2014).

The band was formed back in the '80s. At the beginning the band was very much oriented towards Doom/Metal sounds such as: early Candlemass and Black Sabbath. After releasing just a few demos and featuring various musicians, in 1998 the members of the group decide to take a break for a while in order to experience different projects. (continue)

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Album: Timeless ( 2022 )


Date: February '23
Author: Rainer Kerber
Vote: 80%
Language: English
Direct link: click here

Until now, I only knew Andy Menario as the guitarist of Secret Rule. However, he has been guitarist and bandleader of the Epic Heavy Metal band Martiria for much longer. And you can read another big name in the line-up – Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio, Heaven and Hell among others). However, he shares the job behind the battery with three other colleagues. Martiria were founded in 1987 and still exist today, apart from a four-year break (1998 – 2002). At least if you can believe the Encyclopaedia Metallum. Six regular studio albums have been released so far, but the last one (“R-Evolution”, 2014) was released many years ago. “Timeless” is a compilation of these albums.

“King Of Shadows” clearly shows where this album is heading, riff-driven Epic Power Metal. Again and again, good moods are spread, like in the anthemic “Misunderstandings”. There are also quiet passages on the album. The ballad “Apocalypse”, which features many strings but also heavy guitar riffs, deserves special mention. Or “Ides Of March”. In addition, there are other metal anthems like “Give Me A Hero”. You can also hear excursions into high-speed areas (“Arthur”). Epic doom is offered by “Tsushima” and “Burn, baby burn”.

“Timeless” is a showcase of the more than thirty-year history of Martiria. Whether and how the band will continue, however, remains to be seen. After all, no new album has been recorded since Andy Menario founded Secret Rule in 2014. Obviously, the mastermind is too involved. Personally, I would like to hear new material from Martiria.

© Rainer Kerber


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