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Shortly about us

Martiria is an epic/doom metal rock band formed back in the '80s and re-founded (after a long pause) in 2002. Seven album published (last one R-Evolution, with ex Black Sabbath Vinny Appice - 2014).

The band was formed back in the '80s. At the beginning the band was very much oriented towards Doom/Metal sounds such as: early Candlemass and Black Sabbath. After releasing just a few demos and featuring various musicians, in 1998 the members of the group decide to take a break for a while in order to experience different projects. (continue)

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On the way back

On the way back 2011Published by My Graveyard
Produced by Andy Menario

Line up
Rick Anderson (voice)
Andy Menario (music/guitar)
Derek Maniscalco (bass)
Umberto Spiniello (drums)
Marco R. Capelli (lyrics)


1 - Cantico (Instrumental)
2 - Drought
3 - Apocalypse
4 - Song
5 - Ashes to Ashes
6 - The Sower
7 - Gilgamesh
8 - The Slaughter of the Guilties
9 - You Brought me Sorrow
10 - Twenty Eight Steps
11 - On the Way Back



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August '11 Ralf 100%

[Vor allem kenne ich außer ADRAMELCH & DARK QUARTERER keine Metal-Band aus Italien, die eigenständiger klingt.]

Das 4. Album der italienischen Epic-Metalband MARTIRIA ist ein harter Brocken, denn obwohl die Musik melodisch und gut durchdacht ist, nistet sie sich doch schwer ins Gedächtnis ein. Im Vergleich zu den Vorgängern ist „On The Way Back“ um einiges düsterer und doomiger geworden. Aber auch komplexer. Die Atmosphäre ist sehr episch und nimmt einen schnell gefangen, nur ist es schwer einzelne Stücke herauszuheben. Es befindet sich das gesamte Liedgut auf einem wirklich sehr ansprechenden Niveau. Das hier ist eine Platte, die nur in ihrer Gesamtheit richtig wirkt. Dann macht sie aber mächtig Sp(...)


August '11 Lex 95%

Martiria aus Rom sind das musikalische Gegenstück zum Monumentalfilm und die Essenz des Epic Metal. Ohne die Leistungen von Genrekollegen wie Adramelch, Holy Martyr, Battleroar oder Airged L’amh in irgendeiner Form zu schmälern: Die Italiener um das wohl bekannteste Bandmitglied Rick Anderson (Damien King III) spielen in einer ganz eigenen Liga – qualitativ und in vielen Punkten auch stilistisch. War schon bei den drei Vorgängeralben die atmosphärische Tiefe das entscheidende Merkmal, verfolgen Martiria auf dem neuen Album „On The Way Back“ diesen Weg konsequent und unbeirrt weiter. Und so findet man den Zugang zu diesem außergewöhnlichen Werk zunächst fast ausschließlich über das stimmungsvolle, ausufernde und prächtige akustische Ambiente. Die fast völlige Abkehr vom plumpen Strophe-Ref(...)


October '11 OneMetalheadInBuiding 95%

[I would say, that this album sucks, but, now I think that this album is for only chosen ones and little quality metalheads will not understand this music, will never understand everything, ]

EPIC! Yeah this is really epic! Not everybody can like this, even I didn't like this when I listened at first, but the second and third times were so happy to me, that I can't explain. I love their previous album, 'Time of Truth', so I listened to their fourth album as soon as I could. 70% of the songs partly sound on acoustic guitar, so that seemed to me very boring and I hardly listened till the end. If I hadn't listened to the 'Time of Truth'. I would say, that this album sucks, but, now I think that this album is for only chosen ones and little quality metalheads will not understand thi(...)


December '11 Francesco Faniello 90%

[indiscusso è il contributo fornito dai visionari testi a opera di Marco Roberto Capelli, novello Peter Sinfield del doom]

Ebbene sì, non è un mistero per nessuno. Appena ascolto una di quelle band che legge la Bibbia del doom con le lenti di Messiah Marcolin, siano esse tarate sulla gradazione dei Candlemass o dei Memento Mori, non posso fare a meno di commuovermi. Questo perché il doom è una fede, non un semplice genere modaiolo e passeggero, e forse è proprio per questo che è rimasto sempre confinato ad una cerchia relativamente piccola di adepti. Ecco, i Martiria sono una di quelle band a cui una simile descrizione si adatta nel modo migliore. Nel loro caso, l’accostamento ai succitati maestri si accompagna a(...)


September '11 Greg 85%

Symphonic metal is something that I don't have too much experience with, but I have heard good and bad sides of the genre, and I decided I needed to get into an entire album rather than just hearing odd songs from bands. The album I am reviewing of the genre is Martiria's fourth symph-metal release, called On the Way Back. Ooooh, sounds moody. Nice cover art, too. Maybe this'll be good. On the Way Back is basically a meat-and-potatoes heavy metal album consisting of basic riffs and musicality, but features elements that attempt to push it into something more. Symphony-mimicking keyboards are very prevalent in the mix here, as well as longer songs than one would find on a basic metal album (one song reaches the 9-minute mark). Interludes are strewn here and there throughout the songs and(...)


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